PREDA Foundation Inc, Archives


The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs- Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA

May 27th 2016 MDT

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs Fr. Shay Cullen 28 May 2016 Young people by the thousands are dropping dead by consuming chemicals into their bodies to forget their problems or just to get an exciting high and overcome inhibitions. A few weeks ago in an open air dance concert in Manila, another five people collapsed in the outdoor dance area and died on the spot or later in hospital from presumed drug overdose. Ecstasy and a powerful variety of marijuana and crystal meth are easily available. These young peopl ...Continue Reading

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs- Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA

May 27th 2016 MDT

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs Fr. Shay Cullen 28 May 2016 Young people by the thousands are dropping dead by consuming chemicals into their bodies to forget their problems or just to get an exciting high and overcome inhibitions. A few weeks ago in an open air dance concert in Manila, another five people collapsed in the outdoor dance area and died on the spot or later in hospital from presumed drug overdose. Ecstasy and a powerful variety of marijuana and crystal meth are easily available. These young peopl ...Continue Reading

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs- Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA

May 27th 2016 MDT

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs Fr. Shay Cullen 28 May 2016 Young people by the thousands are dropping dead by consuming chemicals into their bodies to forget their problems or just to get an exciting high and overcome inhibitions. A few weeks ago in an open air dance concert in Manila, another five people collapsed in the outdoor dance area and died on the spot or later in hospital from presumed drug overdose. Ecstasy and a powerful variety of marijuana and crystal meth are easily available. These young peopl ...Continue Reading

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs- Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA

May 26th 2016 MDT

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs Fr. Shay Cullen 28 May 2016 Young people by the thousands are dropping dead by consuming chemicals into their bodies to forget their problems or just to get an exciting high and overcome inhibitions. A few weeks ago in an open air dance concert in Manila, another five people collapsed in the outdoor dance area and died on the spot or later in hospital from presumed drug overdose. Ecstasy and a powerful variety of marijuana and crystal meth are easily available. These young peopl ...Continue Reading

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs- Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA

May 26th 2016 MDT

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs Fr. Shay Cullen 28 May 2016 Young people by the thousands are dropping dead by consuming chemicals into their bodies to forget their problems or just to get an exciting high and overcome inhibitions. A few weeks ago in an open air dance concert in Manila, another five people collapsed in the outdoor dance area and died on the spot or later in hospital from presumed drug overdose. Ecstasy and a powerful variety of marijuana and crystal meth are easily available. These young peopl ...Continue Reading

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs- Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA

May 26th 2016 MDT

The Destructive Trade in Dangerous Drugs Fr. Shay Cullen 28 May 2016 Young people by the thousands are dropping dead by consuming chemicals into their bodies to forget their problems or just to get an exciting high and overcome inhibitions. A few weeks ago in an open air dance concert in Manila, another five people collapsed in the outdoor dance area and died on the spot or later in hospital from presumed drug overdose. Ecstasy and a powerful variety of marijuana and crystal meth are easily available. These young peopl ...Continue Reading

Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, PREDA - Fair Trade muss sich gegen die Sex-Sklaverei stellen

April 27th 2016 MDT

Fair Trade muss sich gegen die Sex-Sklaverei stellen 22. April 2016 Fr. Shay Cullen Als ich im Jahr 1975, zunächst in einem kleinem Projekt, begann armen Menschen eine qualifizierte Ausbildung und anschließend eine Arbeit mit Respekt, Würde und fairen Löhnen zu geben wurde es noch nicht Preda Fair Trade genannt. Es war und ist eine normale und ethische Praxis Menschen eine Arbeit mit Würde und einem angemessenen Lohn unter guten Arbeitsbedingungen zu geben. Es war ein praktischer Weg um da ...Continue Reading

Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Fair Trade must oppose sex-slavery

April 22nd 2016 MDT

Fair Trade must oppose sex-slavery 22 April 2016 Fr. Shay Cullen When I first began a small project to give poor people a skilled training and work with respect, dignity, fair wages and good working conditions. In 1975 it was not called Preda Fair Trade. It was and is, normal ethical practice to give work with dignity, a fair wage and good working conditions, which everyone is supposed to do. But many don’t. It was a practical way to alleviate the misery and degrading life of the throwaway people and youth of Olong ...Continue Reading

Über die Arbeit der Preda Stiftung

April 21st 2016 MDT

The People’s Recovery Empowerment and Development Assistance (PREDA; dt. Betreuung von Menschen zur Erholung, Ermächtigung und Entwicklung) ist eine aktive soziale Entwicklungsorganisation, heute mit 58 professionellen philippinischen MitarbeiterInnen, die Projekte durchführen, welche Kinder vor sexuellem Missbrauch retten und vor einem Leben in den Bordellen und Sexbars, besucht von philippinischen Männern und Auslä ...Continue Reading

Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Die Wiederauferstehung für missbrauchte Kinder

March 30th 2016 MDT

Die Wiederauferstehung für missbrauchte Kinder *By Fr Shay Cullen* Die Hoffnung auf ein neues Leben, „Wiederauferstehung", für misshandelte und traumatisierte Kinder ist das, was wir bei der Preda Stiftung den Missbrauchsopfern zu bieten erstreben. In der Karwoche geht es um Schmerz und Leid, Ungerechtigkeit, sowie neues Leben und Hoffnung. Das ist die Mission der Preda Stiftung, nämlich jenen Kindern ein neues Leben zu ermöglichen, die durch erlittenen Missbrauch und Ausbeutung und den Sch ...Continue Reading
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