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Who is the most important

Who is the most important

In the world today I can tell you that among greatest injustices, as it was in my day, is inequality among adults. It so happens that men in most societies dominate and rule families, communities and nations.

Women have fought and won greater equality in many societies they have to continue to demand equal status for all women.

I treated all adult people equally, men and women especially those in my traveling band of disciples. However, they did not believe as I did, in gender equality. It was such a cultural shock they struggled to adapt and change their hearts and minds.

The perfect balance, where no one is more important than the other is the most important value I taught my followers. My male disciples did not accept that teaching, they were too proud. The men believed they were of greater status. It is the same in today world.

It was the women in my group that provided for us all from their own resources not the men. The men expected to be provided for. That what’s my friend Luke reported in his book in chapter eight. For me all women have equal status and position as men. In society the men dominated women as they like to do now in most societies. It is an endless struggle because the men wrongly think they are better and more important than women. The women stood by me in to times of danger and when I was crucified it was the women stayed with me, the male disciples ran away, except John. The women came to the tomb on resurrection day and a woman announced that powerful event.

The male disciples were ambitious, dominating and proud. Peter denied me and Judas betrayed me. James and John even asked me to grant them positions of power wrongly thinking I would be made a king in Jerusalem and they would sit on my right and left. The others argued with them about who among them was the most important disciple.

I taught them all a lesson. When they asked me to settle the issue among them who was the most important do you know what I did? I challenged them and turned the norm upside down. The person of lowest status in society at that time were children. I placed children as the highest.

I called a child to stand before them, a child was almost a non-person in society during my days on earth. I declared that the child that was not an adult was the most important of all.

They were confounded and ashamed. I challenged them to be as innocent as a child or they could never enter into the New Community where equality among adults would be the norm and children would be the most important of all because they were the most innocent and so vulnerable and were not adults. My friend Mathew wrote it down in chapter 18.

He wrote that I told my disciples to humble themselves and anyone who accepts a child in my name accepts me, and my teaching and can be my friend.

Come again and learn more. Jesus.

Picture of Zacchaeus


Zacchaeus in the Bible was a man whose life-changing encounter with Jesus was recorded by Luke (Luke 19:1–10). Zacchaeus was one of the head tax collectors in the region of Jericho, and the Bible says he was a rich man. Jewish tax collectors like Zacchaeus were scorned by their countrymen for a couple of reasons: one, they were known for cheating the taxpayers; and, two, they worked for Rome. The other Jews saw Jewish tax collectors as collaborators with the enemy—traitors to their own people.

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