If we’re totally honest, most of the world doesn’t really care much about American politics.
There are more than enough problems in the rest of the world to keep track of the unending fight between Democrats and Republicans. And there are more than enough pressing social issues to stay up-to-date with the latest battle of words between liberals and conservatives in America.
But it’s a whole different story when America’s squabbles creep into matters of global concern.
Today, nearly three-quarters of the world’s population — more than 7 billion people — live in countries with high or very high restrictions on religion and religious hostilities. Religious violence and intolerance is one of the world’s largest human rights issue, and it should be a chief foreign policy priority for any government. This is exactly why the U.S. has designated an ambassadorship for international religious freedom.
Yet — despite all these reasons — Vice President Mike Pence had to be called in twice to cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm Gov. Sam Brownback as the ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom.
Why the deadlock in the U.S. Senate? All 49 Senate Democrats opposed Mr. Brownback’s nomination because he staunchly believes in traditional marriage. That was it. They held up his confirmation — and had they possessed one more vote, would’ve killed it — simply because they disagreed with him.