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We will win and love will overcome evil

we will win

Welcome back to my story.

I told you in my last story how I was just the son of a carpenter, doing my daily work, helping and encouraging people to help each other and reading the scriptures and sharing my values and thoughts with people in my village, Nazareth. That is what I encourage you to do also, read my story in the gospels and letters of my friend and apostle John. We were close friends. He understood me best and wrote beautiful letters about the meaning of my message.

How Our father sent me to bring a new understanding of God as one that loves the world and wants everyone to help each other. God is not a punisher and never brings suffering, pain or evil into the world. Evil people do that by their free choice to do evil. God cannot or will not stop them from being human beings with free will to choose good to evil. He sent me to teach all people how to make good choices and do good and oppose wrongdoing.

You too have to choose to be good or bad, to be just or unjust. To do good or not to do good. To be human is to have free choice. My mission is to help all people to live in harmony and peace, to end war and fight injustice, the cause of war. You are invited to choose to be honest and faithful and be good people of integrity. That is the message from God my father and he wanted me to represent him to the world.

So, I was fully human, a very human person and God chose me and decided to guide and be with me to teach the world. If you are with me in spirit then you are with God our Father. He wants you to know him by knowing me and being my friend. So, love your neighbor and then you will be loving yourself, so great love can anyone have than to give the lives in the service of others, helping and caring and changing the world by doing good.

Come again, Jesus.

Picture of Zacchaeus


Zacchaeus in the Bible was a man whose life-changing encounter with Jesus was recorded by Luke (Luke 19:1–10). Zacchaeus was one of the head tax collectors in the region of Jericho, and the Bible says he was a rich man. Jewish tax collectors like Zacchaeus were scorned by their countrymen for a couple of reasons: one, they were known for cheating the taxpayers; and, two, they worked for Rome. The other Jews saw Jewish tax collectors as collaborators with the enemy—traitors to their own people.

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