Protesters held a rally in Melbourne, Australia on Sunday, Oct. 21, calling for attention to the dire situation of child refugees at the Nauru detention center.
The video above, posted by Whistleblowers, Activists and Citizens Alliance on Facebook, shows demonstrators chanting “No excuse for child abuse!”
Nearly 6,000 registered doctors signed a petition campaigning for critically ill refugee and asylum-seeker children on Nauru to be brought to Australia for urgent medical care, according to the Saturday Paper. Many children being assessed suffered from psychosis, depression, PTSD after sexual assault, and some had attempted suicide, the Sydney Morning Heraldreported.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison told the AAP that the government “doesn’t want to see children on Nauru,” and that he would take up his New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern’s offer to receive up to 150 refugees should the parliament pass a stalled bill that would ban offshore arrival to Australia via New Zealand. JB