Last month, Australian news show 60 Minutes aired a face-to-face interview with alleged abuser Peter Gerard Scully. The show followed the Filipino police through the moments of arrest to his time in jail.
He’s considered Australia’s worst paedophile, and for four years Peter Scully was on the run. He thought by hiding out in a remote corner of the Philippines he was beyond the reach of the law. But Scully was wrong. In this exclusive report, 60 Minutes has been given unprecedented access to the international investigation for this terrifying criminal. Joining the Australian Federal Police and special agents in the Philippines on their global manhunt, our cameras were there when Scully was finally caught. Now, behind bars, and facing multiple charges, Tara Brown comes face to face with our country’s most depraved predator. What he has to say for himself will leave you stunned.
The show is now available to watch online and we encourage you to watch it, as this is the just the kind of offence PREDA are fighting so hard against.
If you are in Australia, please watch the show from the Nine Network website. If you are outside of Australia, and cannot watch the programme on the 9 website, please see below for an uploaded YouTube version.
And if you haven’t already seen it, you can also watch Fr. Shay’s interview that he took part in for the same show that is available as an extra clip on the Nine Network website.