Operation Magenta (UK)
The biggest ever operation against paedophiles who use the Internet was carried out recently when police simultaneously raided 75 homes across the country. Operation Magenta was the result of a six month investigation focussing on those using chat rooms to advertise and trade in child abuse images. Police believe that many of those involved in swapping images also might have been abusing children. Detectives used specialist equipment to trace computers being used by people entering chat rooms anonymously. More arrests are expected to follow.
Operation Amethyst (Eire)
The Irish Police (Gardai) recently mounted Ireland’s biggest crackdown against child pornography. Five hundred police raided more than 100 homes across the country. Operation Amethyst was the result of months of planning and monitoring chid pornography sites. In the nationwidedraids, police seized 140 computers , and components in a nationwide series of raids on the homes and business premises of suspected child pornographers. No arrests have been made at this stage.
Published in: ChildWise June – July 2002