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ECPAT Australia has just launched a new publication specifically written to help the travel and tourism industry understand the Australian Child Sex Tourism law. This easy to understand guide details the legislation, including who can be prosecuted and how to report allegations of abuse. The Travel With Care booklet will be distributed nationally to travel agents and other tourism professionals.
For a copy of this booklet contact ECPATAustralia

The 10 things you should know about the Australian Child Sex Tourism law.

1. Can Australians be prosecuted under Australian law for child sexual abuse committed in other countries.

2. What about if that country doesn’t have any laws to protect children.
The answer is still yes.

3. Is child prostitution considered child sexual abuse?
Yes, If the child is under 16 years of age.

4. What if the child has consented?
It is still an indictable offence under the child sex tourism law.

5. If I have information about an Australian who has been overseas buying or selling children in prostitution but that person has come back to Australia can I still report it?
Yes you can – call Australian Federal Po/ice 1800 813 784

6. Can I give an anonymous tip off to the police?
Yes you can – call 1800 813 784 BOOST

7. What is the maximum penalty for someone convicted of child sex tourism offences?
12 -17 years imprisonment.

8. Can an Australian travel agency or tour operator be charged if they are encouraging or making money from child sex tourism?

9. What is the maximum penalty for a company knowingly involved in child sex tourism?

10. Are Australians being convicted for child sexual abuse in other countries?
Yes, Australians have been convicted for child sex offences under local laws in
Thailand, Philippines, Fiji, and USA.

Many other questions cannot be answered in a general way because the law relies on a ‘case by case’ analysis. Please contact ECPAT Australia for specific questions.
Call +61 3 9645 8911 or email [email protected]