The controversial remedy being used by some conservationists is to lace the horns and tusks of living Rhino and Elephants with a toxin harmful to human but harmless to the animals.This they say will make the tusks and horns worthless and even dangerous for carving and medicine.
It could make the male Chinese sterile. That is a shocking thought for virile Chinese men who have doubts and anxieties about their sexual prowess. Be that as it may it does not justify exterminating a magnificent species of animals whose ancestors roamed the earth hundreds of millions of year ago.
Much as we wish no harm to come to anyone no one cannot stop this trend and dangerous practice to rub some deadly toxins into the n and tusks. It is an extreme measure but the people who dio it to save the animals say it is the only remedy. But the unfortunate men who get sick or loose their virility and sexual urges because of using the horn or tusks as so called natural medicine cannot take any legal action against the conservationists.
They cant identify who they are or where the horns and tusks come form since it si an illegal trade. They could be prosecuted to have the horns or tusks anyway,Besides they will be ashamed to reveal that they are have lost their sexual prowess and suffer dysfunction
China is the main market for these animal tusks and horns based on superstitious belief that the powdered horn and tusks will increase their flagging sexual urges and libido. Chinese males, according to the huge demand for these animal part parts as an aphrodisiac it seems to say have weak sexual impulse. although the huge population of China would seem to
belie this.
The other remedy beside using rhino horns and Elephant tusks is to buy Viagra
a medication that solves the sexual problems more effectively than killing a rhino.
What kind of species are the humans that they drive great species to extinction to satisfy a superstitious belief that is totally useless and prove by science to be dangerous rather than helpful ?
Education and perhaps the fear of begin contaminated by the toxins rubbed into the horns and tusks will be as deterrent. The mighty influence and supreme ideology of the Chinese communist Party has failed miserably to overcome this superstition.
When the value of the horns and tusks fall away the animals will survive.This is the hope of the animal lovers anyway. Who knows it may work to deter those males who are believing in the useless remedy, friends, beware you might end up far worse than you think you are.
Preda news.