MAY 27, 2019 —
Starting today (May 27), the Senate is expected to fast-track the bill seeking to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. They will no longer go through the long but extensive debates and will push for the bill’s passage before the 17th Congress closes. This move heeds the request from the lower house, led by Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, to prioritize the said bill.
This is a huge disservice to the Filipino people. We expect our Senate to maintain independence and to give primary consideration to the best interest of the child. Despite repeated warnings from child experts, despite overwhelming evidence that point to law enforcement as the main problem, our lawmakers are still willing to barter children’s rights for political favors.
We will NOT be silent. This is our last chance to make our voices heard. If you care about the future of the Filipino children, join us in saying NO to lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility and YES to the full implementation of the Juvenile Justice Law!
Let’s change our profile pictures using this Facebook frame:
#ChildrenNotCriminals #NoToLoweringMACR