comment from JM.
But the politicians are richer with their mentality…..ME FIRST. And we call the Philippines the first ‘Christian country; in Asia?
Where is love your neighbors? Where is charity? Where is compassion?
It was recently published that the population reaches 104 millions so Corrupted and Selfish Politicians can be proud of what they are doing to 52 millions with their hypocrite activities strictly geared in priority to themselves.
I live in this part of the world (Asia) since 1946 and I have seen corruption everywhere but never like in the Philippines.
As I used to say: “Even In Singapore there is corruption but only 1 percent and 99 percent honesty while in Philippines there is 1 percent honesty and 99 percent corruption.”
No wonder the Philippines struggle for power in 2016. Power gives access to more money and possessions of all kinds.
Father Shay, can we really say……..WE ARE IN THE YEAR OF MERCY?