The luxury life while on the run of alleged child torturer Peter Scully’s assistant Liezyl Margallo has been revealed following her arrest.
Margallo, who is now in a Philippines prison awaiting trial on charges of assisting the Australian accused sex predator in child torture and murder, evaded police for a year.
Scully, a father of two from Melbourne, is charged with some of the vilest acts known to humanity, some of which were allegedly committed with Margallo.
Police claim they found the 23-year-old Filipina masquerading as Shannon Carpio, the purported wife of a French software millionaire.
Margallo had been living in a palatial condominium in Cebu City, the affluent old Filipino capital, while police had 16 outstanding warrants against her.
On her Shannon Carpio Facebook page, Margallo posted glamorous photographs of herself heavily made up in revealing clothes, in a swimsuit on a beach and with her new-found gym friends.
But police allege that since Scully’s arrest in 2015, Margallo had continued their illegal business of recruiting potential victims for rape and torture films.
Investigators now believe her luxurious lifestyle was financed by Scully’s shocking international cyber-pornography trade which he continued to orchestrate from prison.
Margallo constantly shouted her new friends in Cebu drinks and dinner with money she said came from her rich husband and “people who loved her”.
She owned a passport in the name of Gina Carpio, and told them that Shannon was her “stage name”.
The friends are now horrified to discover that police will allege it was really Scully funding their lavish outings from his prison cell with the profits the couple allegedly made from child snuff films.

Scully is accused of making the films depicting the rape, torture and murder of poor Filipino children he and Margallo allegedly lured with the promise of food or money.
The 54-year-old Australian’s alleged crimes are so dire the Philippines is contemplating reintroducing the death penalty for him.
Scully has pleaded not guilty to the first six charges of up to 75 that police say involved 14 girls he allegedly molested and tortured.
Police say Scully filmed his depraved abuse of the children, allegedly with the assistance of Margallo and another young woman.
They claim copies of the films were sold for up to $10,000 each to paedophiles around the world.
Filipino investigators from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) claim Scully has continued to operate his dark web child pornography business.
Philippines media reports have claimed that Margallo told NBI officers she had remained in regular touch with Scully.

One of Margallo’s former friends in Cebu, who has now posted warnings on Facebook about the accused child offender, told the Cebu Daily News that Margallo regularly communicated with Scully.
She told Cebu City local Juliet Mejares that Peter Scully was her partner and he owned his own business.
“It was a software kind of business and she said there are many people working (in that industry) who earn big income,” Mejares said.
“I haven’t seen Peter personally. I just knew they talked over applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Skype,” she told the Cebu Daily News.
Mejares has now posted on her Facebook page photographs of Margallo with the warning, “please read and be aware … Shannon Carpio her true name Liezyl Margallo Castana”.
Margallo, who appeared in one of the most appalling child torture films entitled Daisy’s Destruction, has now joined Scully in a separate cell at Lumbia City Jail.
And claims have been made that Scully continues to demand “special treatment” in the prison, which is 15km outside the Cagayan de Oro, in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao.
Scully’s former lawyer Alejandra Jose Pallugna has revealed Scully’s list of demands in jail which include a mobile phone and fresh beef, pork and chicken.
“In a sense, he’s a demanding person,” Pallugna told Cebu Daily News.
“At first, he instructed my staff to bring him karne norte (corned beef), pork and beans, eggs and kilos of fresh pork.
“And then, he said it’s hot inside his cell so he needs an electric fan.”

Jail officials denied the requests, but one of Scully’s family members had allegedly contacted a local ombudsman to complain about his treatment in custody.
“Scully appears to be an intelligent man. I could say he was well educated. He speaks and conveys his message very well and talks with sense,” Paullgna said.
“He looks normal. It’s hard to believe that he’s a paedophile.”
It was the fate of one alleged victim of Scully that has prompted Filipino prosecutors to call for Scully’s execution by firing squad.
Footage of the 5-year-old girl who Scully – assisted by Margallo – allegedly raped and tortured reportedly made Filipino investigators cry when they viewed it.
On the videos he allegedly sold to paedophiles around the world, police say Scully also sexually abused a baby, and filmed his torture and rape of young girls as he made them dig their own graves.
Filipino police claim that Scully also buried a 11-year-old under the floor of a house he was renting after making a film of him raping her and strangling her to death.
Capital punishment was outlawed in 1986 at the end of the brutal Ferdinand Marcos regime.
But assisted by widespread poverty, the country has become a hub of a billion-dollar, global child cybersex industry.
However, it has been reported that Scully is confident he could walk free from jail.
Alejandra Pallugna said that much of the physical evidence against him, including a computer, video camera and memory card, had been destroyed in a fire at the Cagayan de Oro Hall of Justice.
“There’s a great possibility that the cases against Scully will be dismissed due to the fact that the physical evidence against him were burned down.
“Those things are necessary to prove that Scully really had a hand in molesting and torturing the victims,” he said.
“If Scully gets a good lawyer, there’s really the chance that he can go out of prison.”