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Queensland magistrate jailed for child abuse

Queensland magistrate William John Randall lived a double life for years, passing daily judgment on others for criminal behaviour while systematically sexually abusing a young boy.

The boy was just five when the abuse started in 1990 at Randall’s home at Wynnum, on Brisbane’s bayside.

It continued for almost 12 years, and the victim was 30 before he finally gathered the courage to tell police.

Randall, who retired just last year from his position as referee in the Small Claims Tribunal after years on the bench, continues to maintain his innocence.

He pleaded not guilty in the Brisbane District Court last week to 18 charges including maintaining a relationship with a child, indecent treatment and sexual assault.

His lawyers cross-examined the victim in the witness box about the allegations, accusing him of fabricating lies about being abused hundreds of times so he could later sue Randall.

However, the jury dismissed this and returned guilty verdicts.

Randall was on Tuesday sentenced to nine years’ jail, and will be eligible for parole after serving half of that time.

Judge Catherine Muir described Randall’s behaviour as “shocking and reprehensible”.

“With your continued and repeated abuse of the complainant you essentially took away his innocence, his childhood,” she said.

Judge Muir acknowledged Randall had been well-regarded in the legal community but said any reputation was “hypocritical given your offending behaviour occurred while you were sitting in judgment of others”.

She noted the effect the offending had on the victim, who said he had “turned to alcohol to try to drink the memories away”.

The victim and his family hugged outside court after the sentence was handed down.


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About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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