Preda Foundation Inc.
People’s Recovery Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation Inc.
Upper Kalaklan, Olongapo City Philippines
Tel. (63) 47 222 4994 Tel. (63) 47 223 9629, (63) 47 223 9630,
Tel. /Fax (63) 47 222 5573 office direct Fax (63) 47 223 9628
E-mail : [email protected]
Services: Advocacy, Shelter, Leg@al Action for Abused Children Training and Seminars, Pubhc Education.
29 August 1999
Hon. Benjamin de Guzman
City Mayor
8000 Davao City
Dear Mayor de Guzman,
The cold blooded murder of street children Royroy and Mamay in public on Ilustre St. near the Galaxy theater in your city on July 6,1999, your approval of ‘Secret Marshals’ as reported in TODAY, the national newspaper August 8,1999, page 4 and the eye witness reports of many children and the research of social workers and the commission on human rights together presents credible evidence that ‘Death Squads’ are loose in Davao City murdering and harassing street children allegedly with the tacit approval of your administration.
During a meeting of social workers and street children with your city administrator in your office on 19 July this year, the child who is a witness to the murder of Royroy and Mamay by the men on black motorcycles, clearly recognized one of the killer gunmen in City Hall.
This shooting and harassment of street children must stop. It is a direct violation of Philippine law, International law, and The Convention on the Rights of the Child. As city mayor you will be held responsible before the International Community for these atrocities against children.
It is for this very reason that in my keynote speech before the World Forum on Children’s Rights this September 5th. I am calling for the establishment of an International Court of Children’s Rights.
Like the officials who allow, order or approve, by act or omission, the violation of human rights, are brought to trial at the International Court of Human Rights in the Hague, Netherlands, likewise higher leaders and civil authorities who cause, allow, or approve, the execution of impoverished street children by hit squads must be brought to trial.
I am appealing to the International Community and the Presidential Committee for the Protection of Children, for direct action to stop these murders since you are unable to do so. I will appeal to the world community of child advocates to demand the killers to be brought to trial.
They are known and have been identified, it is your duty to bring them to justice for the murder of the children. Denial and claims of ignorance about these murders have no credibility. The evidence is clear, children are being murdered on the streets by an organized squad of motorcycle riding gun-men.
If this is a method of curbing crime in your city then it is the most cowardly and dastardly action heard of. Picking on malnourished, abandoned, vulnerable and defenseless street children, is the worst of crimes.
Shay Cullen Mssc.
Founder and President
Preda Foundation.