Dear friends and supporters of Children’s and Women’s Rights
Peadophile Gets Bishop and Clergy Support – Victims Ignored
We at the PREDA Foundation, now 26 years old, caring for sexually abused women and children and are combating a Paedophile Support Ring based in Olongapo city, Philippines for several years. We have helped convict several of their associates child abusers, local and foreign. The Baloy Beach Paedophile Support Ring have retaliated against us by making 25 baseless and false charges and spreading libelous black propaganda. We have fought them off successfully these past years. This is the persecution we must expect in fighting for the rights of abused children against organized Paedophile rings wherever they are operating. Most of their false complaints have been dismissed before reaching court as there is no evidence to support their complaints. There is a $1.2 Million libel case from the Mayor of Davao pending against us because we campaigned against the shooting of street children there. The killing has stopped since September.
Bishop and Clergy Support the Paedophile
Our work for justice suffered a set back last week when the Paedophile Support Ring misled and duped the Bishop of Iba and 26 of his clergy about the case of a convicted Australian Paedophile, Victor Keith Fitzgerald and got their written support for a new trial. The facts were concealed and we were not given an opportunity to present the truth. This statement said in effect, that we at PREDA influenced the child witnesses to give false testimony. The Paedophile support ring led by a German, Harry Joost and his associates is really responsible and must be stopped from spreading false allegations.
Court of Appeals Exonerates PREDA
The fact that the court of appeals had already upheld the conviction of Fitzgerald last September 1999, increased his penalty to 20 years, and exonerated the PREDA staff of any wrong doing, but despite this, Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez and the Paedophile support ring are still demanding a new trial.15 Priests of the diocese opposed the statement.
Support the Victims
We are on the side of the victims of sexual abuse. For us, women and children come first. There are 807 cases of child abuse in the Olongapo Courts and they need clergy support against their abusers. The real culprits behind this are the support ring and bar and brothel operators who support Fitzgerald.
A few Words of your support can make a big Difference
We have made formal complaints to the authorities against the members of the Paedophile Support Ring and we ask you to support our request for justice to the Philippine Bureau of Immigration and the Department of Justice.
Please write a polite letter to persuade the officials to act on our formal complaints and investigate Harry Joost who made the witnesses retract their testimony and perjure themselves. Mr Joost also signed the affidavits of the young witnesses himself. They are now prostituted by the sex tour industry.
Mail or fax your letter directly or e-mail to PREDA for forwarding.
Hon. Rufus Rodriguez
Bureau of Immigration and Deportation
Intramuros, Manila Philippines
Fax: ++ 632 527 3288
Hon. Artemio Tuquero
Secretary of Justice,
Department of Justice
Padre Faura St., Manila.
Fax: ++ 632 521-1614
And /or the media
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Fax: ++632 897 4793, 897 4794
Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)
470 General Luna St.,
Intramuros, Manila
Fax 0063 2 527 4063
Please send us a copy if possible, tell us if we can put your letter of
support on our web site, or e-mail to us your support letter for the
victims and we will send it the the authorities or the press.
or e-mail us your endorsement of our letter below.
Father Shay Cullen
and the PREDA staff
PREDA’s Letter to Commissioner Rufus Rodriguez:
Hon. Rufus Rodriguez 5 March 2000
Bureau of Immigration
Intramuros ,Manila
Manila, Philippines.
Fax: ++632 527 3288
Dear Commissioner Rodriguez,
This is to request you to act on the evidence already sent to your
office by us of the PREDA Foundation, an organization protecting Filipino children from child abuse and paedophiles. There is a Paedophile support and protection ring led by a German, Harry Joost, a bar operator in a red light district known as Baloy Beach, Olongapo City. He and his group of foreigners are behind the harassment against the PREDA’s Children’s Home. They manipulated child witnesses to retract their statements in the Fitzgerald case thus perjuring themselves. Joost also signed their affidavits.
A Swiss citizen, Markus Widmer, of Angeles City, and Alan Dale Edmonds of San Antonio, Zambales, are part of this ring and are also spreading false allegations against the staff of the PREDA Center. The brought false complaints against Department of Justice personnel, now dismissed. They have posted falsehoods on an Internet web site with the help of American Bill McCune, of Subic Bay Free port.
This is because of the legal action that PREDA staff helped the Department of Justice take against members of this Paedophile support ring. This ring is campaigning world wide for the release of Victor Fitzgerald a convicted Paedophile. They challenge the Philippine justice system claiming on the web that he was framed up by the prosecutors and the PREDA Staffers. In a recent letter to the editor of the Foreign Post, another foreigner, says that most foreigners are being framed up by the system. This can only shame the government, destabilize and discredit the good and just prosecutors of the DOJ who are after paedophiles.
The Paedophile ring is harassing them with malicious prosecution. Twenty five false complaints in all. Most of them dismissed. Why should the child protectors be threatened and harassed while the Paedophile protectors go free while we beg the government to bring them to justice?
The cases against Joost, Edmonds, and McCune are filed with the Olongapo City prosecutors office. Widmer, reportedly an undocumented alien, is on trial in Angeles City for child abuse. The Paedophile support ring have connections with some people in the Department of Justice and immigration and are reportedly negotiating a reconsideration of the resolution made against Harry Joost by Prosecutor Floresta. We urge immediate action for justice without delay lest some of them flee the country like other child abusers who got away. They should be detained by Immigration until their cases in court are decided.
The PREDA Staff
President Joseph Estrada
Secretary Artemio Tuquero