Preda’ Advocacy Work on Child Protection for 2021
- On May 19, 2021, Preda was invited to showcase its project against trafficking in person in the Philippines and its response during the pandemic at the UN High Level Event of UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking (UNVTF) co-sponsored by the governments of Spain, Philippines and Australia. It was participated by at least 78 individuals representing various government agencies and civil society organizations all over the world who are at the frontline of child protection against human trafficking. The event titled “Front-line impact and innovation: grassroots responses to women and girl victims of human trafficking in transitioning beyond Covid-19” serves as opportunity for Preda to share its good practices on combating child trafficking despite the difficult situations imposed by the pandemic. The online event was moderated by Dame Julie Okah-Donli, the Chairperson of the UNVTF Board of Trustees. UNVTF is a major funding partner in this project.
- Also on 19 May 2021, Preda presented the same anti child abuse/trafficking project to estimated 100 participants (social workers students, academicians, and other child protection frontliners) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The event served as an opportunity for Preda to showcase its rescue, recovery and reintegration program for child trafficking/abuse survivors in the context of COVID-19.
- Also last 19 May 2021, the Preda Foundation represented by its president Francis B. Bermido Jr., participated in an online Parliamentary Briefing and Discussion organized by its partner Missio Aachen (Germany). Present during the event were six German parliamentarians and speakers and three members of the German Bundestag, investigative journalist Heike Vowinkel and representatives of the Catholic sector in Germany. Mr. Bermido presented Preda’s Anti-Trafficking work and advocacies during the said event. He also called on stricter penalties for German pedophiles who come to the Philippines and invited the Parliamentarian to join the on-going campaign in the Philippines to strengthen laws for online child protection and raising the age of sexual consent.
- On 22 June 2021, Fr. Shay Cullen presented Preda’s anti-trafficking efforts at the One World No Slavery Online Conference Organized by Missio Germany. With him as speaker and panelists were the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Mr. Gerard Muller, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi of India, Missio President Reverend Dirk Bingener, Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network Ms. Alison Rahill and other CSO partners. The participants were an estimated 200 individuals representing various sectors such as the church, schools, CSOs and law enforcement agencies in Germany. In the same event, Fr. Shay Cullen encouraged the German people to participate in the lobbying efforts in the Philippines to strengthen laws for online child protection and raising the age of sexual consent. He told this can be done through letter writing. He also insisted for the need for stricter laws to ban German pedophiles from traveling to Asian countries such as the Philippines.
- On 11 July 2021, The Preda President was invited to attend the Interactive Multi-stakeholder Meeting of the UN General Assembly.
- On 10 August 2021, an international lecture series in line with the Blue Umbrella Campaign organized by the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse. Fr. Shay Cullen was invited as one of the resource persons to talk about child protection specially for male victims.
- On 22 September 2021, Dritte Welt Partner, a fair trade organization in Germany held a conference for 500 German Highschool Students about prevention of sex tourism and pedophilia through the fair trade movement
- On 12 November 2021, the Preda President together with the Program Coordinator facilitated a Webinar on Women and Child Protection for 56 student leaders and university personnel of Far Eastern University. The topics focused on salient provisions of child protection laws and Anti-VAWC act.
- On 16 November 2021, the Preda Exec. Director together with the Preda Founder participated in the Online Discussion on Kabataan, Karapatan Caravan organized by Commission on Human Rights Region 3 with 26 participants coming from various government and non-government organizations. An open forum was the highlight of the event where the participants were asked by the CHR Officer, how can we better serve the children as regards fulfillment of their rights. Preda, in response, made known to the participants its important advocacies on child protection and lobbying efforts for passage of important laws for children (Anti-child bride law, raising age of sexual consent, Anti-OSAEC law). Preda also pitched its free capability building training for those who will require them as well as offered the availability of its services for children.
- On 25 November 2021, the personnel of DEPED trained by the CATCH consortium implemented an Online Orientation on Child Protection and Prevention of Child Trafficking via ZOOM.. It was participated 154 student-participants coming from 5 select DEPED Schools in Olongapo City. Simultaneously, the activity was streamed on Facebook live for other student to watch online.
- On 2 December 2021, the Preda Program Coordinator held a Webinar on Anti-Violence Against Women and Children for 200 students, teachers and parents from Subic Bay Colleges, Inc. The discussion focused mainly on the rights of women and their protection guaranteed under the Anti-VAWC Act.