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Prayer When Emotionally Hurt
Shay Cullen

The Lord of love will end the Pain and Hurt
I am your friend, I stand with you,
I understand your hardship and your pain,
I am the Lord of Love, with you always in times of hardship and of hurt, Peace is your eternal gain.

When You are sad, lonely, and depressed, I am the Lord of Healing, with you in spirit to hold and embrace.
To take your hand, to give you comfort and support and in your heart, you will see me face to face.

I am your friend in days of calm and when there
is a storm of inner pain. The waves of anger will subside, the winds of hurt will cease to blow,
The sun will shine again and lift you up, this you must come to know.

For I have been rejected, I know how bad that
suffering can really be,
I have been insulted and I have loved one and all,
I am human, I am spirit, yet they nailed me to a tree.

When you are hurt remember I overcame so can you.
When messenger brings you words of hatred,
Remember I suffered their anger too.
When you are hurting night and day
be strong and reply, this is what you say:
“I forgive you, I pray for you, hurtful you may be,
Yet I hope you find the Lord of Light, will embrace the truth, understand,
find goodness, dignity for yourself and from hatred be truly free.

When the dark scales of blindness will fall away,
you can repent and change your ways,
To find happiness in the truth and respect all others
Be free to love and live-in happier days.
