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Prayer to live the Truth
Fr. Shay Cullen

Blessed are those that fight for truth and justice. They are shining examples to us of honesty and integrity, Lord, by having courage to always fight for the truth, exposing evil and suffering for it. You said “The Truth will set us free”,

Help us see and know the truth and accept it and never to keep silent when we know of child abuse by friend, relative, a stranger. Lord gives us strength to help the child and tell the truth.
Your example of speaking out will inspire us. Help us learn your words and actions. When we know the truth of corruption that always causes suffering give us the courage to expose it and to challenge the wrong doing, confront evil, reveal the truth.

Lord, with your friendship, we will never betray you with silence, apathy, and indifference but to do the good, share and live the truth with honesty and integrity.
