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Prayer for the passing of Archbishop Oscar Cruz

Prayer for the passing of Archbishop Oscar Cruz

Shay Cullen

He was a true prophet of the Lord, the voice of the voiceless,
the defender of the oppressed and the friend of the victims of abuse.
Lord you gave us a champion in our brother and spiritual leader Archbishop Oscar Cruz who has departed from among us.

He was totally committed to your Gospel Jesus and bravely
stood against social evil, presidential corruption, child absue.
He lived simply and spoke the truth without compromise .
Inspired by you he dedicated his life to your service and that
of the people of God.

His inspiration lives on, motivating true christians everywhere to sacrifice
for others, to serve the poor and oppressed to bring true love into the world everyday by acts of justice ,kindness and service.
Jesus, your friend Oscar, a faithful servant lived for you and the people,
he brought the Gospel values to life in his prophet voice and action,
and that love lives on among us everyday.


About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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