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Prayer for Palm Sunday

They praised you as Messiah,
Revolution was not your mission,
You taught acts of love and care
Yet no one would change and listen.
You cleared the Temple of exploiters,
challenged the system of evil, so corrupt,
Your words were silenced, so quickly, so abrupt.

The rulers branded you a rebel and a dangerous threat,
They were furious, planned your arrest and immediate death.
So many of your followers suffer much the same,
They work for justice to cleanse the earth,
they die for your sacred name.

Love of others, a meal together, sharing all the wealth,
washing feet In service was the message that you meant,
Changing minds and hearts, to live and to serve,
Bringing peace and justice is what all the poor deserve.,

Help me be your friend and believe your holy cause,
To do justice in the world Lord, and never stop or pause.
To help the needy and change the world is the meaning of it all,
To end the violence and live in peace is the purpose of your call.
