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Pope Francis quotes Jesus's tough no forgiveness line

Pope Francis quotes Jesus’s tough no forgiveness line
December 2013

The Bishop of Rome, Francis, has railed against corruption again, severely chastising those who donate to the church on the one hand while stealing from the state and the poor on the other. Says Francis:
Š the double life of a Christian does much harm, so much harm. ŒBut I am a benefactor of the Church! I put my hand in my pocket and I give to the Church. But with the other hand, he robs: the State, the poorŠhe steals. He is unjust. This is the double life. And this merits ­ says Jesus, not myself ­ that a millstone be placed around his neck and thrown to the sea. He does not speak of forgiveness here.inbox
“This reminds me of cronies, including Christians, who make a great show of donating to foundations, welfare bodies and religious institutions while at the same time profiting off public assets and privatization projects and stealing land from native communities”
Francis concluded.
Written by CatholicChild Sex AbusePope Francis
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