Police raided a home in Co Tipperary, Ireland, to rescue the child who has now been taken into care.
The horrific discovery was made when detectives were asked to follow up a warning from the European police agency Europol, which investigates child pornography across the EU.
An emergency care order was granted to officers and social workers allowing them to take the boy away from the adults he was living with – and also allowed an urgent medical examination.
The order was made at a district court hearing in Tipperary last week, the Irish Mirror reports.
It was reported yesterday that a social worker with the Child and Family Agency told the court how officers contacted her office on Monday, March 24.
This was to inform them that a house would be searched over serious concerns that a child living there may have been sexually abused and that there was video footage of the abuse posted online.
It emerged that the investigation got underway after the Garda Paedophile Investigations Unit was contacted by Europol last December warning that an Irish child may have been abused.
After making inquiries, detectives found an internet provider address that was traced to a house in Co Tipperary.
After obtaining a search warrant, investigators and social workers searched the property and found the boy, who was identified as the child, being abused in the sick videos.
The child was immediately taken into care by social workers who went with officers to the house.
It is believed that detectives who examined the shocking video and who had been working on the case from the start, recognised the child from the internet footage.
They also saw a number of items, including “implements and blankets” which were clearly seen in the footage posted online.
Officers told the court that they feared there was an immediate risk to the child’s safety and well being and the boy was placed in the care of the State to be looked after in foster care.