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Philippine bishop warns of upsurge in child soldiers

A military armored personnel carrier is parked inside a devastated school campus after the Philippine military took control over the town of Butig in Lanao del Sur province. Members of the Maute group, which claims allegiance to the so-called Islamic State, captured the town in the last week of November. (Photo by Froilan Gallardo)
A military armored personnel carrier is parked inside a devastated school campus after the Philippine military took control over the town of Butig in Lanao del Sur province. Members of the Maute group, which claims allegiance to the so-called Islamic State, captured the town in the last week of November. (Photo by Froilan Gallardo)

A Catholic bishop on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao has warned against an upsurge in the recruitment of child soldiers by terror groups.

Archbishop Martin Jumoad of Ozamiz said the Philippine government should double efforts “to win the sympathy of our young on the side of goodness.”

The prelate said recruitment of children into groups like Abu Sayyaf in the provinces of Sulu and Basilan have been going on for years.

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Preda Foundation Inc.

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