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Love your enemies

Love your enemies

I was offering reconciliation, peace, friendship, a new community where there would be equality, justice, peace, and an end to the hierarchy, domineering chief priests, tyrannical leaders, and bullying autocrats. 

I all today as I offered them all a chance to change themselves, to be compassionate and rational, and to embrace the opportunity to serve the poor, end poverty and social injustice, save the downtrodden, free the innocent prisoners, banish unfair debts, and lift up the rejected. It was an invitation to be humble for all to be good Samaritans, to heal the sick, and to empower the children. 

It is a gift of God to one and all who would accept it to give all a life of dignity and well-being. Is that not a grand ideal? Is that not the Kingdom of God on earth? Is that not a blessed life to live for others, to serve the truth, seek freedom from oppression and evil, and serve and not seek reward but be grateful for the gifts that come one’s way?

So many said no, and today most people say no to this great and wonderful way for humanity to be one and live in peace and harmony. When I proposed that to the People of Israel, my people, and through them to the world, they said no! They rejected the invitation to even discuss a new community. Many today in this modern world also reject that ideal. 

They choose to reject, vilify, and persecute me for offering salvation and escape from an evil regime that brings poverty and hardship on the poor. They choose to say no; today they are highly educated and rational but filled with jealousy. They were, and today the same kind of people, are filled with pride, greed, selfishness, and a ruthless hatred of the good that I was bringing into the world. 

Today the hardhearted and cold people without love of neighbor make themselves my enemies by opposing my teaching and good deeds. What did I say to my disciples? Do good, love your neighbor, and oppose the evil, the wrongdoing. Stand against the oppression and injustice. Yes, as my followers, all must take that stand. 

Yet for them that made themselves my enemies, I say forgive them. Forgive our enemies and try to persuade them to turn to the good and make peace. If they refuse, forgive them again. Then the power of justice will reach out to them; they will fall into the power of the law of God and that of human society.

They will one day be held accountable, and those that they oppress, hurt, abuse, kill, and make suffer will be spearheaded and healed. Yet the oppressors and abusers will be given justice and a chance to confess and repent, and hopefully accept the just penance that comes to them.

Then they will have the chance to repent, and if they do, they will be saved from the power and influence of evil that overwhelmed them. That evil power made them its slaves and enemies of the truth and turned them away from me and virtue and the love and mercy of My Father. Then I wait for them to accept the forgiveness, truly repent, and come to my friendship. 

All have free will to choose good or evil, to accept the truth or reject it to be my friend or not. I welcome all to my friendship and challenge all to join my mission to believe that love, justice, truth, compassion, and doing good will overcome the evil and bring the New Community to all. 

Come again and share your thoughts and feelings, Jesus

Picture of Zacchaeus


Zacchaeus in the Bible was a man whose life-changing encounter with Jesus was recorded by Luke (Luke 19:1–10). Zacchaeus was one of the head tax collectors in the region of Jericho, and the Bible says he was a rich man. Jewish tax collectors like Zacchaeus were scorned by their countrymen for a couple of reasons: one, they were known for cheating the taxpayers; and, two, they worked for Rome. The other Jews saw Jewish tax collectors as collaborators with the enemy—traitors to their own people.

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