If you would like to see your children succeed in life, be healthy, and see and be with your grandchildren, then change your lifestyle for the goals of a long, healthy, meaningful life.
Be educated, smart, strong, and wise.
Don’t become a burden to your children by neglecting your health and getting sickly, so they have to sacrifice their careers and their family life to take care of you.
You, as parents, should be there to support them and your grandchildren, not get sick through your own neglect and cause financial burden, loss, hardship, and poverty for yourself and your family.
Hospitals and medication are super expensive, and sickness is not always an accident; it is due for many because of a lack of control over appetites, a lack of self-respect, and a lack of discipline.
Be strong, healthy, and a good example, and support them and your grandchildren. Live long enough for them.
Our health is life, they say, and we are what we eat, so everyone should reflect on what they are buying in the market, cooking, and eating. The number of people with poor health and diabetes is spreading, and people suffer and some die from bad diets. Most sickness, besides viruses, is due to what we eat or don’t eat.
The diet of Filipinos has greatly changed in the past 20 years as more and more processed foods, frozen foods, and canned junk foods are being consumed by more people, especially in the cities. The lifestyle of people is driven by their employment and long hours of communication to and from work. They don’t have time to go to fresh food markets and cook healthy meals and rely on their packaged meals of processed meals that are very unhealthy, containing too much salt, preservatives, coloring, and unknown chemicals and mysterious ingredients. It is unwise to believe what is printed on the packaging.
To live a healthy life, we ought to cook and eat loads of vegetables, fruit, fish, and some chicken meat. Pork is not advised due to the high fat content and possible residue from chemical pesticides in the grains they are fed. Everyone should reject processed meals and cook fresh, healthy vegetables, fish, and chicken.
With this daily physical and spiritual exercise, it is absolutely necessary. If you don’t use your body muscles every day for vigorous movement and expertise, they will feel unwanted, rejected, and unused. So they will give up living, deteriorate, and cause self-harm and sickness.
For the body to thrive and be healthy, the blood must circulate to all parts at a regulated natural pace at an exact pressure to reach all parts of the body without stress or being too low or too high. A perfect balance for perfect health should be your goal—to care for yourself, your mind, and your heart!! That means at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise every day, especially if you are an office worker.
Then the blood will reach your brain for a smarter, more intelligent you. You will feel happier, calmer, and more joyful.
“Love all others as yourself,” as you love yourself, so love yourself in a right and healthy way so you can love others.
When the heart is not stimulated by exercise, it too becomes lazy, weak, and unable to pump blood to all parts of the body. If the food is contaminated with sugars and cholesterol and contaminated with chemicals from junk food, the body parts will suffer, and diabetes can arise.
Healthy food, regular daily exercise, and helping yourself, your family, and your neighbors.
That’s the way to stay healthy, live a productive life for yourself, and teach your children the best way to live. You will live to be with your children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. That will be a blessed life. Now that you know the truth, change for a healthier life. Choose now!!