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Irish government challenged to protect children from “Child Rape holidays”.

Open letter to  Deputy Caoimhghin O’Caolain SF TD  Chair, Joint Committee on Justice and Equality,Ireland 

Grainne  Kenny 
Preda Ireland board. 

A cara 

I am a Board Member of PREDA Foundation who approached the Dail (Parliament) to introduce a ruling on restricting the travel of convicted paedophiles as a means to reducing sex tourism. Indep Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan kindly presented this Bill  in response. This insidious trade in children is a burgeoning business that includes Irish paedophiles indulging in the destruction of vulnerable children internationaly. Fr Shay Cullen is founder and CEO of PREDA in the Philippines a Foundation caring for such victims. The importance of Shay’s work has been recognised internationally through many Awards including four nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.  Shay’s work was recognised in 2017 when he received the Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty  Award at a ceremony in Killarney . These recognitions show the value put on safeguarding children by international communities.  
I have listened to debates in the Dail on the Bill which was introduced by Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan and greatly relieved to hear the fullsome support given. Justice Minister Flanagan has been supportive also.  However, in reading his response to you I note he asked that the 2nd reading of the Bill be deferred for a year in order for the Committee to give the Bill further considerations. It has to my knowledge passed this stage.
The reason for my writing now is the constant drip of news on the government calling an early election next year. In which case the Bill will fall and the whole process will have to be started over with a new minister in place.  This is very worrying as it will allow many more children to suffer.
Deputy, we are talking about the lives of children who are raped and sometimes murdered to give pleasure to paedophiles engaged in sex tourism.  This criminal behaviour include those who view such atrocities online. We read in the media of the lenient sentencing of this group given by some judges who send a message of leniency towards paedophiles in their Courts. 
A most recent high profile case let a paedophile walk free with no criminal record. Free to travel.  It is in this regard that we must with all haste strengthen our laws to protect children everywhere from sexual predators.
Ireland, will  be the first country in Europe to introduce such a Bill. We can then  proceed to bring this to the attention of the European Parliament to show (as we have done with the closure of Headshops) what can be achieved in child protection. 
Can you please advise what stage we are at and when we can expect to have this Bill passed. Australia has lead the way by actually confiscating passports of convicted paedophiles and the United States is working on a similar law.
Please do what you can to hasten it’s passing before an election is called. Each child counts. Child protection is a human right in line with UN Conventions and our children can no longer be exposed to such cruelty.  Our government has a responsibility to protect them.  We are indebted to Independent Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan for her outstanding work on this Bill.
Is mise
Grainne Kenny
On behalf of PREDA Irish Board
About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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