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Investing in life to help others

Investing in life to help others

There is always much to learn, to think about and much to do for you to be a better person everyday.

You have been given gifts of intelligence, education, skills, opportunities and secure life and feel happy most days. You are blessed. Treasure the benefit you have in life or you might lose them. 

Hopefully you have faith in the power of goodness and love of neighbor to bring justice and happiness to others by doing the good you can to do and finding happiness. That should be the goal and purpose of your life on this earth, why else are you alive?  You use your gifts to be strong of mind and heart and bring happiness to the poor and needy by using your abilities, skills, intelligence and education. It is a great blessing for you and them. 

You maybe be like the employees in my story where I talked about a businessman who left on a journey abroad and gave a million pesos to one of his employees and told that employee to use it to earn more. The second employee was given 500,000 pesos and was told the same and likewise, the third servant got 250,000 pesos to invest and earn money for the projects of his employer. Now I am telling this story because there is a lesson to think about and a message for you to share to others. You have great abilities and gifts and I advise you to invest in your life, use them to grow, learn, be strong in mind and spirit to stand for truth and goodness and be the best person you can be. You will find happiness.  

Consider what the first employee did with the one million that person went and earned another million. Likewise, the second employee did likewise and made another half million. The Third was different, he was scared and had weak integrity, loyalty, and initiative. He feared he might lose his investment fund, so he dug a hole and buried the money.

Then the employer returned he asked what they had done. The first turned over the one million plus another million he had earned by investment.  “You good and faithful servant, his employer said, “you have been faithful in managing small amounts and I will place you in charge of bigger amounts. Come in to my house and share in my happiness.

With the second it was the same. He too was invited into the family of his employer and shared in a happy life. But the third said, I know you are a demanding and strict employer and I was afraid of you and I hid your money but here it is safely retuned. The employer was angry and told the third employee: “You knew I was a strict person and you should have at least put the money in the bank and it would have earned interest for when I returned. 

He turned to his servants and said, “Take the money away from him and give to the one who made a million in interest earnings. For the person who has earned, even more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But for the one who has earned nothing, what he has will be taken from him. Let this useless employee be fired out.” You may think the employer was too strict, but he gave great trust to his employees and a huge sum of money. When they earned interest, he rewarded them not because of the interest earned alone but for their faithfulness, integrity, honesty, and the wise investments they made. He gave an opportunity for each to do good with the gifts and they did but one fell short and lost out. 

You may be surprised that I used Investing money as an example of using resources earned for a good purpose.

It must fair and just and is not used to hurt or harm others. You must invest in your life, for your family and always be a good and faithful person of integrity, doing good for the needy. 

Come again for another story, Jesus. 

Picture of Zacchaeus


Zacchaeus in the Bible was a man whose life-changing encounter with Jesus was recorded by Luke (Luke 19:1–10). Zacchaeus was one of the head tax collectors in the region of Jericho, and the Bible says he was a rich man. Jewish tax collectors like Zacchaeus were scorned by their countrymen for a couple of reasons: one, they were known for cheating the taxpayers; and, two, they worked for Rome. The other Jews saw Jewish tax collectors as collaborators with the enemy—traitors to their own people.

Jesus of Nazareth Tells His Story

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