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International Statement of Support to United Nations Conventions on Narcotics

Gráinne Kenny
International narcotic and drug policy consultant

International Statement of Support to United Nations Conventions on NarcoticsInternational groups who describe themselves as world experts are working hard to promote full legalisation of drugs. They propose different approaches through Medical Marijuana (NORML US), Cannabis legalisation/decriminalisation, injecting rooms and harm reduction with no independent evaluation of results.

The Commission on Global Drug Policy is a combination of international drug legalisation activists. British actor Judi Dench, known for her roles in the James Bond films. Also, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines who according to media reports, has voiced his interest in stocking cannabis in his stores and having used it himself, are among the new recruits. Mr Branson is appearing as the face of this Commission. The CDP group is well funded and promoted by an online agency named AVAAZ who have advertised for online signatures of support. Last Spring the Global Commission presented these signatures to the Secretary General of the UN Mr Ban ki Moon. Among this group is former Secretary General of the UN Mr Kofi Annan. Such engagement by a former UN Secretary General is highly questionable and has raised many questions on his tenure in office. There are other groupings, many who receive funding from financier George Soros. Mr Soros was found guilty of insider trading on Stock Markets in France and was given a jail sentence commuted to a fine of 25m francs there. A UK advisor to this Commission was forced to resign from his position at the UNODC in 2003 after being exposed to being in the pay of George Soros as a “5th Columnist” operating within the UNODC. These details are a matter of public record.

In response to this threat to the health and welfare of society international NGO’s have combined their expertise in global drug policy, treatment and science. The enclosed document will explain the risks posed by drug liberalisation and the reasoning behind the United Nation’s Drugs Conventions on Narcotic’s and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (art.33).

It should be noted from UN records that only 6.1% of the world population use illicit drugs. While there is an increase in psychoactive substances drug use has stabilized, together with production.

Written by Convention on the Rights of the Child.Human RightsUN Drug ConventionsUnited Nations
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Preda Foundation Inc.

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