Implementing Laws to Save Children
Fr. Shay Cullen
4 June 2017
Convicted pedophiles in Australia on the National Child Offenders Register will be forbidden to travel abroad. Their passports will be cancelled, according to new proposed laws. Thousands of would-be child victims will be saved from horrific sexual abuse by this promised legislation. This is a breakthrough commitment by the Australian government and a great example for other legislators around the world to follow with similar laws.
This, according to the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, will be the effect of new legislation to be introduced next month. It is a “world first,” according to the minister and it certainly is a wake up call and challenge to many more governments to introduce similar laws to stop child sex tourism that is rampant and on-going especially in Southeast Asia including the Philippines.
Australian Foreign Minister Bishop said, “Last year alone, almost 800 registered child sex offenders travelled overseas from Australia.”
Many of the convicted pedophiles have traveled without notifying the authorities as they are bound to and many have a high-risk of re-offending and sexually abusing children when abroad. Pedophilia is a condition without cure according to some authorities.
Child sexual offenders are many in Australia and as many as 20,000 people who have been convicted and have been released from jail are on the register. Those policing the National Child Offender Register continue to monitor them. They are likely to travel abroad and endanger children. The minister also said that every year another 2,500 will be added to the list. Denying them passport will protect children abroad.
Another positive development in the legal sphere is that the Philippine congress declined to lower the minimum age of criminally liability of children from 15 years-of-age to nine years. This is a big victory for reason and compassion and understanding. It has been the result of continuous publicity, much political lobbying, presentations of the reality of the psychological make-up of children to the legislators and international diplomatic pressure.
This is one of the laws that President Rodrigo Duterte wanted enacted. He said the children had “criminal minds” and had to be punished. Known as “The Punisher” when he ruled Davao City as mayor, the president is now well-known for his harsh and iron-fisted crack down on those suspected of wrongdoing especially drug users and sellers. According to some media people keeping count, as many as 8000 suspects have been killed to date.
To stop or at least greatly reduce the horrible crime against children who are being sexually abused in front of live Internet connected cameras for paying customers in foreign countries, the Philippine law RA9775) has to be implemented. The corruption surrounding the non-implementation of this law is staggering and morally an outrage.
International bodies, agencies, individuals and governments have to use all the diplomatic know-how to pressure the Philippine government to implement the 2009 anti-child pornography and anti-cyber sex laws. Internet petitions, email letters, lobbying at Philippine embassies around the world will bring the international voice of the concerned to the attention of the Philippine government. If government were to impose a ban on telecommunication parts to the Philippine companies, that would make them think of the evil they are allowing to happen through the unfiltered wide-open Internet Server Providers. Allowing the child pornography to be passing through and stored in your servers is like allowing toxic chemical to be stored in your living room.
The crime of child abuse has a life-lasting impact on the victim of pain and degradation. For a child to be raped on live webcam over the Internet is a horrific and heinous crime. Those who allow it and are mandated to block it must be held guilty of child abuse by omission. There are thousands of victims.
It is such an easy, quick and lucrative source of money that relatives and parents are doing it with the help of criminals in cyber-sex dens. But the bigger criminals in government and in the Philippines telecommunications industry are those that do not stop it when they can.
This strongest law (RA9775) was passed in 2009 explicitly ordering the ISP companies to install software to block the transmission of child porn images and live cyber-sex acts. This is where children are raped live on the Internet or forced to do sexual acts live on camera sent through the Internet to paying customers in other cities or countries. But the authorities and executives of the telecommunications companies have allegedly ignored it. They seemingly have persuaded law enforcement to look the other way and allow them to pay a “fine.” This could be the greatest ever act of corruption ever. Stealing money is one thing but stealing the lives of little children is far worse and surely beyond forgiveness.
It is alleged too that some officials of the government telecommunications commission and law enforcement agencies have been allegedly “captured” or “bought off,” so they will not enforce the law. Former employees of the telecommunications companies are members of the government bodies supposed to enforce the law. The critics of these big phone and Internet companies accuse them of making money out of the dirty business of child abuse. They have not been investigated, charged or found guilty of any crime. This is amazing since the law was passed in 2009. It is time the anti-child-pornography NGOs took a lead role in taking legal action against the national telecommunications commission and their cronies in the telecommunications companies.
We can all be advocates for child rights from the keyboard of our computer. Share this article with as many as you know and copy it to the government agencies and embassies. At least they will know the crimes that they allow to happen daily against children. More articles to share are available on . Let’s act and strike back for children.