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Prayer to Act for Justice
Fr. Shay Cullen

Lord Jesus the world is witnessing a war of brutality,
crimes are committed against the innocent,
the women and the children are bombed, hospitals
and schools destroyed in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, and around the
world violence brings pain and suffering.

Lord inspire us and the nations where your justice and truth
are respected, where peace-loving people will unite
to bring peace, justice and to help the oppressed, the hungry, the poor,
and the abused.

This is our mission, our calling to be active for the poor around us,
in our community, for me Lord to go out of my comfort zone and leave my
protective shell of self-protection. Give me Lord, greater meaning to my life.

Inspire me to take risks as you did, for truth and goodness,
may I read your words and follow them with action for justice,
service and belief what St. James wrote:
“Faith without Action is Dead”.

Make me alive, I want to live more fully, give me my mission to serve
to help the oppressed and downtrodden to lift them up as you did.
Then I can make you present and bring your Kingdom of love
to reality for those in need of friendship and peace.
