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Germany puts suspected Syrian torturers on trial

Germany puts suspected Syrian torturers on trial.
Preda News.

Two leading representatives of the criminal regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are on trial in the high court of Koblenz, Germany for crimes against humanity under the principle of “Universal Jurisdiction” When evidence is gathered then any suspect can be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity committed anywhere in the world. One day Assad himself and other torturers and killers around the world, will stand trial. Anwar Raslan was a colonel in the Syrian army and headed up a notorious unit, Branch 251, of Syrian military intelligence. His unit allegedly arrested thousands of Syrians, imprisoned them, tortured, sexually abused, raped, and executed many by state sanctioned torture and murder.

When Raslan and his hatchet-man Eyad al-Gharib left Syria to hide out in Germany among thousands of Syrian refugees he was identified and arrested last February 2019. Under the principle of Universal Jurisdiction any suspect with strong evidence against him or her for crimes against humanity can be arrested anywhere and brought to stand trial in any jurisdiction. Read more on this at
Under the principle of Universal Jurisdiction any suspect with strong evidence against him or her for crimes against humanity can be arrested anywhere and brought to stand trial in any jurisdiction.
The prosecutors have built a strong case against the two suspects. As reported by Al Jazeera “Between April 2011 and September 2012, at least 4,000 prisoners were tortured there, including with beatings, electrocution and sexual assault. Detainees were denied medical treatment and often food. Cells were so over-crowded that sometimes it was impossible to sit or lie down. At least 58 people died as a result of that treatment at Branch 251 during that time”.

Syrians and other prisoners that survived and fled to Germany will testify against Raslan. Hundreds of photographs taken by a police photographer inside the jail cells and torture chambers have surfaced and will be used as evidence. There are hundreds more innocent people still incarcerated in Syrian torture cells at present.


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