Grainne Kenny writes;
Dear Lord Hogan-Howe,
Writing from Dublin I am indeed dismayed to read that you are supporting normalisation of cannabis use. The evidence as Mary Brett has written, is out there. I do understand that you would carry a heavy workload in politics. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the illicit drug use and harm may have escaped your attention. Those of us who are qualified to speak have an obligation to correct such erroneous opinions.
Unfortunately, those who have a vested interest in the proliferation of the drug trade take advantage of this when promoting their cause. As indeed Big Tobacco have done in the past. Big Tobacco are now buying into the cannabis trade. As a retired family counsellor I can assure you I have seen the evidence in my work.
I fully endorse Mary Brett’s advice to you and ask with the greatest of respect that you desist in your support to the cause of normalising the use of damaging toxic drugs. I am sure you would not wish to cause harm or to be used by people whose motivation is greed and the undermining of society.
The cost of addiction to families is too high. Who then will take responsibility?
Is mise
Grainne Kenny (Ireland)
Hon. President EURAD