
“Doin a run for my chosen charity PREDA, the run for freedom in the Phoenix Park the 28th of April. All are welcome. You can register online or on the day at 11am. The run starts at 1pm, meeting at the Papal Cross car park. I’ve been out to the Philippines and seen where the money goes and the amazing work that Shay Cullen and the PREDA team do out there. Hunting paedophiles and breaking up paedophile rings and taking children out of brothels and out of the filthy overcrowded prison cells where they’re thrown in with murderers and rapists then rehabilitating the kids and educating them and showing them love and giving them a bright future.
Shay was on an Irish documentary on RTE recently about great Irish missionaries. He was seething with the scandals in the church in Ireland and the revelations. He was quoting from the Bible, what Jesus says in the Bible about men who harm children. He says Jesus said they should have a millstone placed around their neck and be thrown into the water and Shay said “I’m of the same opinion” tough words from a priest. But I reckon if more priests had felt the same and truly believed and followed the word of Jesus like Shay always has and not just given it lip service, a lot of the abuse in Ireland wouldn’t have been permitted to continue. Many many little innocent children would have been spared the ultimate torture.
Anyway the run is only 5k, or just walk it if you’re not into running. That famous Irish runner Catriona McKiernan is doing the run as well and if I can keep up with her for ten yards I’ll tell everyone in years to come that I competed with the great Catriona McKiernan when I was a runner back in 2012.”