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ECPAT-USA Continues Work with Airlines, US Military

The airlines industry worked to defeat the Grassley amendment that would have against child sex tourism. Despite that setback, ECPAT-USA has made important progress in the tourism education program. A travel industry education piece has been drafted andwill be sent to partners in the travel industry soon.

The US Department of Transportation (DOT) is now working with us. A DOT representative has spoken with US airlines to ask them to work with ECPAT-USA. United Airlines is considering the request. All other US-based airlines have declined. The DOT now lists our traveler education brochure on their website and in the materials they send to people who request information about travel (

ECPAT-USA Working with the US Military

ECPAT-USA has been working with churches, women’s groups and individuals to address the problem of US military personnel frequenting the services of prostitutes. Our concerns have heated up in the last year because of a new treaty signed with the Philippines aloowing US ships to use ports in that country again. There has also been stepped up trafficking in such places as Korea to meet the demends of US personnel.

ECPAT applauds the following airlines for showing in-flight videos condemning child sex tourism: Lufthansa, Sabena, Alitalia, Olympic Airways, LTU, Air France, Corse Air, AOM, Aerlyon, Austrian Airlines.

In March, the coalition met with the chief chaplains of the armed services and suggested ways the chaplains could educate military personnel and discourage then from using prostitutes. The Chief of navy Chaplains offered the coalition a training at the next professional development seminar for navy chaplains. ECPAT-USA is developing training materials that could be used with chaplains from all branches of the military.
In addition, members of the coalition met with Congressman Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, a member of the House Military Affairs Committee. He has expressed interest in working with the coalition on a videotape about the human rights abuses involved in prostitution, as an educational tool for servicemen before they go on shore leave.

About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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