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Dear friends of the fine arts


Dear friends of the fine arts,

The German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Dr. Gerd Müller is host of my exhibition “Stand up for their Rights” in the Ministery of economic Cooperation and Development in Berlin.

He opened the exhibition himself and accompanied the whole exhibition. Moreover he unveiled the most important Picture of the Series.

The Vernissage was a magnificent statement for children rights in particular in the Philippines. Sextourism, Children in Jail, summary execution, poverty and need are for many children daily life. Together with the Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Dr. Gerd Müller, Father Shay Cullen (worldwide renowned fighter against sextourism and child prostitution in the Philippines, winner of the Human rights award of Weimar as well as Prix Caritas and was several times nominated for the Nobel peace prize), the main actors of Colognes “Tatort” Dietmar Bär, Klaus J. Behrendt and Joe Bausch I stand up for the rights of children.

In later Discussions the main emphasize lay on the summary executions under the new government of the Philippines president Duterte. Several thousand children and teenager lost their lives, because they were getting caught, by the police during drug use or as little drug delivery boys

Klaus J. Behrendt adds, that often kids, who sniff glue in the early age of 5 years to drug the pain of hunger doesn´t have another option. He saw it himself. The actors told that, due to the lack of education and apprenticeship, many children don´t have another chance to guarantee their existence, without working in Bars or dealing with drugs. It is a fight for the naked survive, so the actors, who stand up for children rights since 1998. The daily live of some children is so heavy, that they can only bear it by using drugs.

Father Shay Cullen, who already got on account of his work murder threats, talked about extra payment, which is given to the police, to catch the children. The legal situation intensifies more and more. They are making plans to lower the age limit to imprison children again. Father Shay fought very long and hard for the current age limit of 15 years.

You can see the dramatic consequences in one of my drawings. Father Shay Cullen in person, ask me to realize it. It shows a little girl which is clenching at the bars. She is imprisoned with 40 other children, but also grownup men – there aren´t sanitary facilities, they have to sleep on the floor and care is rudimentary. The drawing is based on a true occurrence. The German Federal tMinister of Economic Cooperation and Development Dr. Gerd Müller, which unveiled the drawing said “…the pictures go to the heart, in the middle of the heart…”. Joe Bausch requested of me to paint more pictures, so that they could speak in this intensive way for the children. “Stand up for their Rights” was the request of everybody.

The advocates of the exhibition MdB Dr. Sascha Raabe and MdB Bettina Müller as well, express in the later exchange about the current children rights situation with politicians and visitors, their opinion about the new president Duterte. The loaner of the drawings, the district savings bank as well as me uses the opportunity of the Vernissage to donate Money to Father Shay Cullen, the Theater group and the PREDA Home for Girls (a home for sexually abused girls in the Philippines).

It is a first, that the art exhibition in the BMZ (Berlin) is open to everybody till October 28th 2016. In November 2017 there will be shown the art series “with the back to the wall” on the occasion of the Human rights award “Martin Buber – Plakette”.


Dr. Gerd Müller:

“The art is artistic unbelievable, appropriate, exciting. Sensational…how she (INK) is doing it. The pictures hit in the heart, right into the heart… and there, they also have to go.

This story, this expression which they provide with it: children without protection from violation and exploitation in the whole wide world … and many without hope or a future.

Dietmar Bär:

“The drawings of INK tell a wonderful however painful truth, the conditions about children in need. They stand up for the children rights. They inspire everybody to do something themselves…to make this world better and more affectionately.”
“In memory of the excellent evening of your art opening in the BMZ in the fight for the children of the world! Warmly”

Klaus J. Behrendt:

“Thank you for this evening”

Joe Bausch:

“Once again thank you for your engagement and that you didn´t stopped. And for the magnificent pictures!!! More”

MdB. Dr. Sascha Raabe:

“INK is capable of showing us the sad world of these children. Her pictures tell more than thousand words. Many children battle now, with the new president Duterte, a harder battle, because his “cleaning wave” doesn´t even stop for children. We have to manage, to give these children a home, education and a perspective for life.”

MdB. Bettina Müller:

“With these urgent drawings the destiny of these children gets almost handy. INK causes with it more, than some abstract newspaper report.For that thank you very much!”

Best regards

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About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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