The conference on The New Evangelization will be held Council of the Episcopal European Conference (CCEE), in Saint Gallen, a town in Switzerland that bears the name of an Irish missionary saint ,the companion o the St. Columban ,patron the Missionary Society of St. Columban . Over a thousand missionaries for many countries ,mostly form Ireland have dedicated there lives to preaching the gospel since it foundation 1916 in Ireland .Today its center house and administration is based in Hong Kong.
The Catholic reports … ” The Plenary of the CCEE takes place at Saint Gallen, seat of the CCEE Secretary since 1978, to commemorate the 1400th anniversary of the arrival of Saint Gallen in the canton of the same name. Saint Gallen was a disciple of Saint Colombanus (Columban) who accompanied him from Ireland, together with other disciples, in his mission to evangelize the continent. After an illness forced him to remain near the Arbon district, he decided to dedicate himself to the hermitic live. His reputation for holiness attracted many to him, giving birth to a monastic community that would become, in turn, the driving force for more missions among many people.