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Christmas celebrates the birth of the man who brought us the belief in human dignity, freedom, peace, the right of all to equality and justice and put children and women as the most important in the world.

So much good to celebrate but much to regret since many people do not believe in those values and many of those who do fail to live them out. This can be changed! This Christmas and in the New Year 2019 let’s change the world and work for the greatest good of all: freedom for everyone to live in dignity with Justice.

That is the goal of work of Preda, bringing freedom to trafficked and abused children and freedom for unjustly and illegally jailed children. We are working to change the system that allows it.

Please support this work with your advocacy by sharing articles and news from with your friends and contacts. Knowledge is power and the truth frees us all.

Please support the 103 children that are in the Preda homes receiving care and are safe and pursuing justice against their abusers. More than 200 children are freed and helped each year by Preda.

This year we won 17 convictions of child abusers in the Philippines and one in the London High Court. Many more cases are on-going. Thousands of parents and officials and students participated in the Preda anti-trafficking and child rights training sessions. Fifty scholars went to school and many more aftercare clients received help.

Donate to the freedom of children and let’s celebrate our own life of freedom and prosperity and give others a chance of a happier life Visit

Preda Fair Trade also helps small farmers and indigenous people find a more just and more prosperous life by supporting them and paying Fair Trade prices for their delicious mangos and we process them to dried mangos and they are distributed in World Shops in EU countries, and in Supermarkets. When you buy thePreda dried mangos you will be supporting the work of Preda as all earnings got to help the farmers and the children’s homes in this way we are becoming sustainable and secure. In the UK Forest Feast Mangos is our partner there. Look for the Preda Mangos in new packaging.

Join Preda Foundation in celebrating 45 years of service to children in February 2019 apart of Columban Mission.

A meaningful Christmas and a New Year of Freedom and Happiness

Fr. Shay and the Preda team

Here are Photos before and after the intervention of Preda.

Coloocan cages
Boys in cages in Metro Manila jails
boys dorm
Boys freed and happy at Preda
Girls Pasay
Girls victims of trafficking behind bars
happy girts 11 18 copy
Free and happy at Preda
former girls visit Preda 12 18
The Preda Graduates at reunion party
Picture of Fr. Shay Cullen
Fr. Shay Cullen

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About the Founder
Profile photo of Fr Shay Cullen
Fr. Shay Cullen

Shay Cullen is a Missionary priest from Ireland, a member of the Missionary Society of St. Columban and Founder and President of Preda Foundation since 1975.

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