The conditions in RAC are abysmal:
* Serious neglect of children – insufficient food and clothing, no education, lack of supervision
* Overcrowding – up to 250 people sheltered in space for 50, elderly people ‘housed’ outdoors
* Malnutrition – food frequently described by children as ‘kaning baboy’ – of poor quality and insufficient quantities
* No medical treatment – ‘lack of resources’ is normal reason cited
* Torture, bullying & violence – by both RAC officials and older, untrained ‘trustees’, unchecked by staff
* Sexual abuse & rape – by RAC officials, complaints mostly ignored
* Lack of meaningful services – no education, case management, family assistance, training
* Inhumane and degrading treatment – children woken as early as 3 or 4am often by having water or urine poured on them
* Poorly maintained and inadequate facilities – children urinating into a bucket, no beds, electric fans
* Lack of basic needs – children sharing soap and toothbrushes between 20 – 30 persons, no clothing, bedding, medicine
NGOs and concerned citizens have been pushing to improve RAC for at least 20 years with little or no action from government. The time to demand change is NOW!
Upgrade or Close RAC NOW!
We Call on the City of Manila to:
* Strictly comply with DSWD Guidelines & CWC protocol on ‘reach-out’
* Conduct background checks, training & accreditation of all rescue personnel
* Abolish quotas, or any reward that encourages indiscriminate ‘rescue’ of people
* Increase number of government shelters and services for children in Manila
* Provide free and accessible playgrounds/ play areas for children
* Upgrade RAC to DSWD standards of accreditation
* Separate treatment and custody of CICL from ‘rescued’ children
* Abolish practice of ‘trustees’ (untrained, often unpaid quasi-staff) in RAC
* Fully investigate and bring to justice past and present perpetrators of abuse in RAC
* Provide unfettered monitoring access to RAC for NGOs/independent parties
* Establish an independent grievance committee, accessible to children in RAC at all times
* Set up regular dialogue about RAC involving both NGOs and government
* Create a clear, time-bound plan of action to upgrade RAC with measurable deliverables
* Publish narrative and financial reports of RAC
* Establish and implement strict child protection policies in RAC
* Provide appropriate after care processes
* Sign our petition –
* Read more – Sagip or Huli – INSERT LINK
* Watch ‘Running from Rescue’ – INSERT LINK
* Write to the City of Manila calling on them to upgrade or close RAC
* Contact Bahay Tuluyan – [email protected] / 02 254 0213