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British, US and Australian police probe PH sex abuse ring

abuse ring

Parents and relatives of the rescued children allegedly victims of Cyber Pornography cover their faces from press photographers and TV cameramen as they rush to the Women and Children Friendly Room in the NBI office for questioning after they were invited during the rescue operation with the US Homeland Security, NBI, Provincial Women Commission and PNP at the Municipality of Cordova. CDN FILE PHOTO

LONDON‹British police are working with Australian and US counterparts to break a pedophile ring in the Philippines that has been streaming live scenes of child abuse over the internet, the National Crime Agency revealed Thursday.
The NCA, which has been investigating the ring since it discovered obscene videos on a British pedophile¹s computer two years ago, called abuse in developing countries ³a significant and emerging threat.²

³This investigation has identified some extremely dangerous child sexual offenders who believed paying for children to be abused to order was something they could get away with,² said the agency¹s Andy Baker.
³Being thousands of miles away makes no difference to their guilt.

³Protecting the victims of abuse is our priority and that means attacking every link in the chain, from dismantling the organized groups who are motivated by profit through to targeting their customers,² he added.
The inquiry ‹ called Operation Endeavor ‹ has taken in 12 countries and led to the arrest of 17 Britons, five of whom have been convicted. Fifteen children aged between six and 15 have been rescued.

Three other investigations into live streaming of child abuse have netted 733 suspects globally.
The investigation was sparked when Northamptonshire Police seized the computer of registered sex offender Timothy Ford, who was later jailed for eight-and-a-half years after being found guilty of paying to view live sex abuse.
The NCA added: ³The use of webcams to stream live abuse, particularly from the developing world, is a significant and emerging threat according to the NCA¹s CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) command.

³Extreme poverty, the increasing availability of high-speed internet and the existence of a vast and comparatively wealthy overseas customer base has led to organized crime groups exploiting children for financial gain,² it warned.

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Written by Child Sex Abuse
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Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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