On June 7-9, 2013, Mr. Donard Angeles – Agriculturist and Amabelle Facturanan- Project Coordinator together with volunteers from Germany and USA travelled to Davao to meet and discuss community and children problems and challenges in the communities. This was part of an effort to come to know the needs of the small farmers, to help them improve production of mangos and practice organic methods ot protect the environment.
They distributed schools supplies to 60 children coming from 5 Preda ProFair Trade Mango Growers’ group in Davao. This is part of PREDAs commitment in uplifting the education of the children of the members of the Preda small mango farmers Association. .
The children and the farmer parents were happy to receive a package of 1 bag, notebooks, intermediate pad, ball pens, pencils, folder and plastic envelope. Cash amounting to Php 150 was awarded as well as subsidy for their school uniform.
Preda ProFairTrade is valuing the importance of education in improving the farmers lives for their future.