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Americans top list of sex offenders barred from Philippines

MANILA, Philippines — Americans comprise most of the foreign registered sex offenders (RSOs) who were turned away upon arriving in the Philippines, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said yesterday.

Of the 145 RSOs barred from entering the country from January to November 2018, 119 or 82 percent were American, BI spokesperson Dana Sandoval said.

Seven Australian RSOs and seven British sex offenders were also turned away, according to Sandoval.  

In a report to Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente, BI Port Operations Division (POD) chief Grifton Medina said the number of RSOs denied entry last year is slightly lower than the 165 sex offenders intercepted during the same period in 2017.

The BI said the term RSO refers to a convicted sex offender who has served his sentence or is under probation or parole.

The United States and other countries maintain a sex offender registry that allows authorities to keep track of the activities and movements of sex offenders.

Medina said RSOs who are intercepted at the airports are immediately booked on the first available flight back to their port of origin.

“Our immigration law expressly provides for the exclusion of foreigners convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude,” Medina said.          

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Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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