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A week in the life of an Intern at Preda Foundation.

A week in the life of an Intern at Preda Foundation.

Monday 5/12 – 2016

Studied all day, and I’m finished. It has been a very emotional experience here at Preda. And I’m so thankful for this opportunity, it is hard to describe in words how I feel after this but this has definitely changes me forever and I will never forget what I have seen, and the wonderful people I’ve met and the children will always have a place in my heart. I will do everything a can to make the people I know in Sweden to understand the problems here in the Philippines but and also the important work Preda is doing for these children. I can’t thank you enough!! Fader Shay you have inspired me so much and you are a hero and an angel, and is was a huge privilege to have met you and learn about your work.

Tuesday 6/12 – 2016

Today was our last day at the home for boys 🙁 We arrived early and joined them to the damn. We had an awesome time together with them, we jumped into the water from the tree, I jumped three times so I have the record haha. Then we took a lot of pictures and we started to play, …..

Later we when back to the home for boys, and they had the art therapy, and the boys really showed their love to Preda. A lot of the boys drew pictures of the Preda angel, is it Ann or Annie? And they drew the pictures of our planet earth, and write the name Preda is was amazing to be a part of. Then everyone painted their hands and we printed our hands on a huge paper

The time goes so fast when you have a good time so it was time for us to say goodbye, …. when to one of them, Adrian and I hugged him goodbye. Later I was so sad that I never had the chance to say bye to Michael but just as we were leaving he were standing on the second floor and He just ran towards me and I got the chance to say how wonderful he is and that I was so thankful to have met him. Then I could cry on my way back haha…………. Today was the last day at the home for girls 🙁 So hard to say goodbye…. Anyway, we arrived a bit later at the girls home …. when we arrived the girls was very happy and we also bought them holahops and softball and also a football, because we gave the boys a new volleyball. So we played football with them for a while witch was great, little baby girl Nichole got a toy more suited for her age…….. The girls were hugging and kissing us and some tried to lock us in the room because they didn’t want us to leave

Thursday 8/12 – 2016

Today we were going to two home visits and jail rescue. And to my surprise I got to meet Adrian again so that was wonderful. We drove from Preda around 08 or 09… and we also had to drop of the germans in Manila. The car ride their started of really good, we borrowed Fader Shay’s van which was great……… On our way their I never looked up so I didn’t see all the windows with bars and the people behind them… We when into one gate and then an other to the facility. Their were a lot of children their, very young and older ones. And Adrian told we that he use to live in this place, I followed him and Matrjan up the stairs without knowing that is was actually a prison their, and in the highest floor Adrain pointed at one cell and said this was my dorm….. I almost started to cry right there… No child should ever have to be put behind bars. He still had some friends left in their. We then when down to Sir Mike who was talking to the staff, and we got to meet the new boy.

Later one of the staff showed us one cell, the cell with beds, we never saw any beds in the other cells. Later we waled out with the new boy and Adrain told him not to run away and that the home for boys at Preda is a nice place. On our way back I looked up and say the windows with bars and it was shocking, their were just sooooo many! We when sat down in the car again and I showed the new boy all of the pictures of Home for boys to help him relax and se that is it a nice place and that he doesn’t need to be afraid, he was very interested in the photos. ….

Friday 9/12 – 2016

This is our last day in Olongapo city. We had a morning meeting and Fader Shay about how much the children like us coming here and visit them and I felt so emotional that this is our last day, I could easily stay longer… Then we had our presentations witch also was very hard, I felt like I was crying al the time, like very emotion I have had under these five weeks is coming at the same time. But it was very important that we could discuss the issues and to listen to Fader Shay. Thank you again for everything. God bless.

About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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