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A week in the life of a Preda Volunteer

Monday, I worked at the Boys Home. The TV Crew was there also and I was surprised how the boys did not really act towards the camera. They just behaved as they normally do and the Tv crew got a lot of good shots. In the afternoon me and Tobias joined the outing to the Waterfalls and we spent some nice and funny hours there together with the boys.

Tuesday me, Tobias and Robby joined the court hearing and home visit in Manila together with 6 boys. It was one of the most special, interesting and maybe also important days for me since my arrival at Preda!

To see how the boys had lived before they went into jail, to see in what social circumstances they spent their childhood and especially how proud they are to show me their homes, in fact that these are the houses of the very very poor gave me such a great input for my work with the boys and also helps to understand what they did.

Moreover it was a really special experience for me personally and I was touched by all the gentleness and hospitality of the boys families and friends. At every home they offered us food or (expensive) soft drinks they just bought for our visit.

Wednesday I did office work and prepared activities for the boys at Preda Main and I also enjoyed a small rest after 2 Manila trips in 3 days 😉

Thursday I worked at the Boys home again. Most important thing of that day was actually the discussion with Marlyn of the new schedule for boys, staff and volunteers! She (and Amy) really did an amazing work with that schedule!!

Friday I joined the tree planting and staff outing at one of the aetas communities.

Once again it was a pleasure for me to get in contact with the indigenous people and I played Basketball with them on the most special basketball court I have seen in my life.

Tree planting was also interesting, I loved the environment and I also picked up a lot of new informations about the Fair Trade Project of Preda.


About the Foundation
Preda Foundation Inc.

The work of Preda Foundation is focused on alleviating the physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse and suffering of children and preventing abuse through community education and social media.

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