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50 cops, including generals, face criminal complaints over P6.7-B shabu mess

50 cops, including generals, face criminal complaints over P6.7-B shabu mess

50 cops, including generals, face criminal complaints over P6.7-B shabu mess

(1st UPDATE) Twelve high-ranking police officers face criminal complaints filed with the Ombudsman, the DILG announces

MANILA, Philippines – The National Police Commission (Napolcom) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) filed criminal complaints against 50 cops, including police generals, over the P6.7-billion shabu mess hounding the national police.

On Tuesday, June 13, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos announced that they had filed criminal complaints against the police officers with the Office of the Ombudsman’s Military and Other Law Enforcement Offices (MOLEO) on June 9.

A handout from the DILG showed that 12 high-ranking police officers or commissioned officers face criminal complaints. The highest ranking cop is former PNP Deputy Chief for Operations or No. 3 man Police Lieutenant General Benjamin Santos Jr.

Former PNP Drug Enforcement Group chief Police Brigadier General Narciso Domingo, who was relieved from his post amid the issue, also faces complaints.

According to Abalos, the complaints were filed with the Ombudsman’s MOLEO for alleged violation of:

  • Republic Act (RA) No. 3019 or Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act.
  • RA No. 9165 or Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
  • Revised Penal Code’s (RPC) article 171 or Falsification by public officer, employee or notary or ecclesiastic minister
  • Article 183 of the RPC or False testimony in other cases and perjury in solemn affirmation
  • Article 184 of the RPC or Offering false testimony in evidence
  • Article 217 of the RPC or Malversation of public funds or property
  • Presidential Decree No. 1829 or obstruction of justice

The DILG chief, whose agency oversees the national police, said 48 of the cops appeared in a closed-circuit television footage, which is among the bases for the complaint. Meanwhile, the two cops face complaint for allegedly conspiring with the 48.

On April 10, Abalos revealed that high ranking police officers, including two police generals, were suspected to be part of the multi-billion shabu mess. The interior chief said there was a “massive attempt” to cover up the arrest of former police master sergeant Rodolfo Mayo Jr., who was arrested in 2022 over a drug den that had one ton of shabu.

Aside from criminal complaints, the police officers will also face administrative cases, according to Abalos. Among the cases that will be filed are grave misconduct and grave neglect of duty, “which are punishable with dismissal from the police service and forfeiture of their benefits.” 

In early May, DILG’s five-man committee, which was tasked to review the records of high-ranking PNP officers, recommended the filing of administrative and criminal cases against four officers. Abalos then said they would only disclose the names once the complaints had already been filed. 

Abalos has yet to clarify whether the four cops were among the 50 officers slapped with criminal complaints. – With reports from James Patrick Cruz/

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Written by criminal complaints
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