Dustin Racioppi , USA TODAY 3:49 p.m. EDT September 11, 2014

(Photo: Shane Music)
NEPTUNE, N.J. — Twenty-eight children and two adults accidentally drank bleach at a day care center in Jersey City on Thursday, according to officials.
The children, aged 3 and 4, were evaluated and taken from the day care center, Growing Tree II, to Jersey City Medical Center-Barnabas Health. The children were in stable condition and expected to be released to their parents, officials said.
“We don’t think the amount they ingested is significant,” said hospital spokesman Mark Rabson.
Hospital officials were not clear how or why bleach was ingested by the children and staff.
Dr. Steven M. Marcus, the executive director of New Jersey Poison Information and Education System, said such accidents are fairly common. Hotels, restaurants and other food service outlets are required to regularly sanitize certain areas, and often use bleach and water as the solution. Despite warnings by the poison center against it, workers will often put the solution in a container — such as a brand-name water bottle or gallon jug — that can be mistaken for water.
Growing Tree II says on its website that it prepares its food on site. Management there did not return calls for comment.
The hospital sent five ambulances and a large medical bus able to hold 20 patients to the day care after receiving the report at 10:53 a.m. By early afternoon hospital staff was preparing to release children to their parents, Rabson said.
Hospital officials said they would work with the poison center to determine treatment options. Typically medical staff will provide a solution to children while monitoring their blood pressure, heart rate and other vital signs, said Rob Luckritz, the hospital’s director of emergency medical services.
Racioppi also reports for Asbury Park (N.J.) Press